Serving is a significant function of churches worldwide, but it’s not something that only happens during special times on the calendar. For Pastor Dino Rizzo, a 35-year ministry veteran and founder of Servolution, serving needs to take place year-round in small and big ways.
In the past year, there are many ways that churches have served the community in powerful and impactful ways, regardless of how “big” these efforts were. Below, Dino Rizzo recaps some of these amazing accomplishments to highlight the ways in which churches are spreading the word of Jesus and making a difference in their community.
Correctional Ministry Teams
Church of the Highlands in Alabama has created Correctional Ministry Teams that have the opportunity to partner with a local Department of Corrections, a partnership that is near and dear to Pastor Dino’s heart. Most recently, the team served at the Fall Festival, where families of the residents were welcomed with food, games, and a Highlands service full of worship and message.
For the Church of the Highlands, it’s a great way to outreach to people who may not have come in contact with the church before. As church officials have said:
“It was an honor to help host these families during a time that can be hard. We’re so grateful to be a part of a church that isn’t limited to four walls of a building.”
Helping Maui Wildfire Victims
When wildfires broke out in Maui in August, devastating the Hawaiian island, churches sprung into action to help.
According to Dino Rizzo, Convoy of Hope served survivors in Maui on the ground. Relief teams there provided ice chests to people who were sweltering in Hawaii’s summer heat since they had no power. They also aided search and rescue teams who were trying to find more than 1,000 people who were still missing at the time.
Local congregation Inspire Church assisted affected residents by hosting donation drives, with all proceeds going to the Maui Relief Fund. The church also held daily prayer times at 8:08 a.m. and 8:08 p.m. every day.
Serve Day
July 15 was Serve Day this year — a day when churches from across the world dedicated an entire day to serving their local communities. And, as Dino Rizzo says, they shared the love of God through practical acts of kindness.
More than 2,500 churches participated in Serve Day 2023, completing thousands of projects in the process. At the Church of the Highlands, for instance, there were 1,017 projects completed. They also served 107,917 meals to those in need and impacted 255,284 people.
Dino Rizzo says that other examples included volunteers cleaning up debris, hosting fellowship games for members of local fire departments and their families, and collecting and packaging diapers and other food supplies.
Mother’s Day
Churches that work with ARC (Association of Related Churches), of which Dino Rizzo is the executive director, served moms during Mother’s Day this year. Some provided mothers in need with gift cards so they could get the oil changed on their car.
Another church raised money to give single moms who are part of the church family free pedicures and manicures. Others helped to purchase groceries for elderly women in need.
Veterans Day
Pastor Dino also supported Highlands College in serving veterans and their families on Veterans Day this year. Highlands College welcomed more than 1,000 people for the first annual Veterans Day Ceremony, honoring military service members for their courage, sacrifice, and service.
The day included honoring certain service members and their families, as well as providing them all with a day to gather and share their love of God.
About Dino Rizzo
Dino Rizzo, a seasoned pastor with 35 years of ministry experience, co-founded Healing Place Church in 1993 with his wife, DeLynn, and served for over two decades as senior pastor. A strong believer in inspiring others to serve their communities, Dino Rizzo founded the organization “Servolution.” He’s co-founder and Executive Director of ARC (Association of Related Churches), overseeing 1000+ church plants worldwide while also serving on the Senior Leadership Team at Church of the Highlands.